CBR Driving Theory Tests

CBR Driving Theory Tests. First note that any CBR Driving Tests can only be taken with a valid CBR Driving Theory Pass/Certificate, which you will receive after you have passed your CBR Driving Theory Test, plus a valid form of identification; also remember that you must be registered with your municipality and also have a BSN to be able to apply for this test. Foreign theory certificates are not valid.

For the Theory Test you will need a valid form of ID.

CBR Driving Theory Tests There are two types of CBR Driving Theory Tests, which are both set-up as computerized and pictorial tests; you answer the questions by selecting an answer on your touch screen in your own private cubicle space. These tests can be taken as:

Type A: A Class CBR Driving Theory Test
Type B: An Individual CBR Driving Theory Test

Type A: The Class CBR Driving Theory Test

This test is the standard which must normally be taken first before applying for an individual test and can be taken for the:

Car licence (category B): in English or Dutch
Motorcycle licence (category A): in Dutch only
(Light) moped licence (category AM): in Dutch only
Brommobiel (mobility–car) licence (category AM): in Dutch only

but strictly without a translator. If you don’t have a good enough command of the languages in which you need to take this test, you can apply for the individual theory test (see below) directly.

Type B: The Individual CBR Driving Theory Test

This individual test can be to your advantage if you find it difficult to understand the language or the essence of the questions properly or to cope with set time limits per question. This test can only be taken in the Dutch language with an officially approved TolkenNet translator, whom can then translate the questions from Dutch to the language that you understand best.

This Individual Theory Test can be taken for the following types of categories:

Car licence (category B): in Dutch only
Motorcycle licence (category A): in Dutch only
(Light) moped licence (category AM): in Dutch only
Brommobiel (mobility–car) licence (category AM): in Dutch only

Individual Reservations Nationwide for the car, moped and motorcycle licences

For these theory tests you can purchase a slot according to your preferences. You can reserve and  pre-pay a slot through a driving school. You’ll also have to apply and pay for the obligatory TolkenNet translator separately.

The basic set-up of the CBR driving and riding theory tests
Step 1 CBR Driving Theory Tests

Book your driving/riding theory test slot through your own driving school or through the CBR.

Step 2 CBR Driving Theory Tests

You’ll get a confirmation by e-mail; this will have your reservation number and any other important information with regard to your personal theory test.

Step 3 CBR Driving Theory Tests

With your reservation number and your valid ID you report to the TEC (CBR Theory Exam Centre) Reservations pillar a good 5 minutes before the test. Here you’ll also get your personal cubicle and locker number.

Step 4 

Put your belongings, like bag, coat and  phone, in the locker provided. Keep your reservation number and ID at hand though. Sit in the waiting area until your number appears on the screen.

Step 5 

Identify yourself to the staff and enter the examination room. Here you’ll sit in your own private cubicle with a touch screen. Where necessary this can be supplemented with a keyboard and/or calculator.

Step 6

Go to the cubicle that has been allocated to you. The cubicles are laid out so that the supervisor has a good overview.

Step 7

Log in with your personal reservation number and start the test.

Step 8

You’ll be able to answer the questions in your own time; a time bar will indicate how much total time is still left. (Does not apply to the Hazard perception questions!) Unanswered questions or those you are not sure about can be marked.

Step 9

You’ll be able to navigate back and forwards through the questions; marked questions can as yet be answered or corrected if there is still enough time.

Step 10

After completing the test you’ll  get the result  right away; also the questions you got right and/or wrong will be displayed briefly.

Step 11

You can discuss the questions you got wrong with your instructor and decide on how to proceed.

Step 12

You can now leave the examination room and collect your belongings.

Step 13

The result of the test will also be confirmed by e-mail.