Driving Test Tips
Driving Test Tips

It often happens that after a few lessons they have taken the idea that they can drive well. Therefore they hurry to be able to drive off quickly. Driving a car is not all about steering, accelerating and braking, it is more than that. As a driver you must be able to drive a car safely and adapt to dynamic traffic situation in time. In short, if you drive from A to B during the driving lesson without danger and mistakes, then you are ready for the exam. But if your driving instructor has to correct your mistakes or even intervenes during class, then you are not ready. You just feel like you are ready to ride.
It is better to take a number of lessons than to drop off early and fail and then retake the exam. Make sure you have practiced properly before your first driving test. It is very common that many people drive very well at the first exam than the re-exams. Many people complain of fear of failure at re-exam, even though they did not suffer from it while taking the first exam. If you have practiced enough during the driving lessons and if you know all the theory well, you will get your driver’s license without any problems. Above all, stay calm and have confidence in yourself
Most important tips for obtaining your driving license:
- Take enough lessons before driving off.
- Sleep well; Plan the evening before your driving test as little as possible. Do something relaxing. Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep in the night before your driving test. That way you will be well rested the next day and get in top shape behind the wheel.
- Schedule a driving test between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. The ideal time to have a driving test is between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. This is after rush hour and it is quieter on the road, making it more likely that you will pass. before 9 a.m. and after 1 p.m. it is busier on the road and on average you are more likely to make a mistake because there is more traffic to take into account.
- Take the necessary items with you, such as your ID
- Have a good breakfast or lunch. It is now important to have a good breakfast or lunch. Opt for a breakfast with slow carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. That way your brain gets the perfect fuel! For example, think of fresh fruit, brown bread, yogurt with muesli, banana or eggs.
- Take your time and also make sure you have enough time at the CBR to be able to go to the toilet and possibly eat and drink something.
- Turn your phone off or on silent. It’s not a good idea to get a call in the middle of your driving test.
- Try to be relaxed with your driving examiner. Some examiners allow you to turn on radio or music. If you have difficulty in having a conversation while driving, you can indicate this to the driving examiner before the start of the exam.
- Don’t make the driving test too big in your head. Suppose you drive with Quick Driver’s license, then you have a 100% re-exam guarantee. This means that you will receive unlimited free resits if you fail. This gives many candidates peace of mind, which increases the chance to succeed in one go. Do you not have a re-exam guarantee? Then try not to think too much about the consequences if you don’t succeed. You just take a car ride, as you have done before during class. Try to stay calm and calm.
- Listen carefully to your examiner. If you don’t understand what the examiner means, feel free to ask for clarification. The examiner would rather explain it again than do something wrong or dangerous.
- During the driving test, keep your eyes on the road as much as possible and look far ahead as much as possible. Check the speedometer often only briefly and do the same with the mirrors (especially the interior mirror). The examiner will check whether you are well aware of the other traffic. This tells him whether you can respond in time in case another road user does something unexpected.
- Just drive and not impress examiner. Often the tip goes around that you must clearly show the examiner that you are looking closely. However, the examiner will also see this if you do this in a normal way. Looking back extensively is even dangerous. Do not drive faster or slower than usual. Simply drive the ride with the knowledge you have gained from your lessons.
- Always use your indicators when changing lanes, turning or driving away after a special operation. Do everything the examiner asks as smoothly as possible.
- If you make mistakes during your exam, don’t give up immediately. Complete your exam and continue driving well and in a controlled manner. Not every mistake has to mean that you fail if you have passed a good exam, you can b